Community Service Programs (CSP)

Part of being a member of MCWC  is to give back to the community through selecting a “program of work” to work within. Our Five Community Service Programs and Domestic Violence and Women’s History Resource Center Special Projects are listed below:

+ Arts & Culture

The GFWC Morrow Civic Woman’s Club Arts & Culture Community Service Program (CSP) encourages members to promote, support, and engage in arts activities in our schools, community, and individual lives. It is designed to inspire us as clubwomen to participate more in our own world of art as well as to share art with those around us. It can be as simple as taking a photograph or it can reach further to teaching an art class. Art is an amazing tool, it can save a life. We at Morrow Civic Woman’s Club understand this and share the gift of art as much as we can. 

  • Share art with those who may not have access to it; from classrooms, a domestic violence shelter and individuals in need.
  • Encourage visiting and attending local, national, and international plays, concerts, and museums , art fairs and shows.
  • Support local art initiatives, including local art shows and MCWC member work.

Last year, the Arts & Culture CSP found numerous ways to incorporate arts activities in the lives of our members and especially in the community. From visiting and attending local, national, and international plays, concerts, and museums to supporting a local artist / member’s solo art show, as well as, performing artists, and arts teachers. We also taught art classes at Haven House, a domestic violence shelter. Our club’s presence raised public awareness and recognized young talent.

Mother’s Day cards project April 2021

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A special past project took place when the Arts and Conservation Community Service Programs joined together at Haven House, a domestic violence shelter, for a nature art day. We made terrariums, seed bombs, and painted sticks.

+ Civic Engagement & Outreach

The Civic Engagement & Outreach Community Service Program mission is to educate members and others about the importance of active citizenship, and encourage participation in related activities. Educate members and others about community, home and vehicle safety issues, and encourage citizen action on these issues.

Veterans Affairs

  • Members provide socks filled with personal items and toiletries for the Veterans in the Veteran’s home near the Veteran’s hospital
  • Supported financially the USO phone home and Veteran/child reading program.
  • Collected towels and socks for the local shower trailer for the homeless vets and others
  • Several members participated in the Quilts of Valor program, creating the quilts and assisting in the presentation of the quilts to the Veterans.
    Inquiring into participating in local cemetery involvement in Wreaths Across America, honoring Veteran’s gravesites during the Christmas holiday season.

Citizenship Participation

  • Promoted and rewarded member voting for the mid-term primary and regular elections 
Encouraged members to serve at the local precincts
  • Encouraged communicating with elected officials regarding various issues
    Club in partnership with local Kiwanis organization, provided the libraries of Clayton County with indoor American flags for use in various activities
    Community/Personal Disaster Preparedness
  • Provided Club members with information regarding suggested supplies to have on hand in their home in case of emergencies.. 
A representative from the local agency spoke to the group regarding being ready.
  • Provided an emergency radio for a local school 
Will be checking with other schools who may need such radios as well.

Home Safety

  • Remind members and all others to keep their smoke alarms in working condition– could save you and/or your family’s life

Vehicle Safety

  • Encourage participation in the AARP seminars about reinforcing driving skills
  • Participate in the Bee a Buckler program to remind all passengers of vehicles to buckle their seatbelts
  • Remind all that it is the law in Georgia to refrain from talking/holding your cell phone while you are driving.

Below are photos from a Civic Engagement and Outreach CSP project with the Girl Scouts..

+ Education & Libraires

The goal of the GFWC Morrow Civic Woman’s Club Education & Libraries Community Service Program (CSP) is to develop projects that will help improve the quality of life and create a better world. We focus on family and youth literacy, tutoring and mentoring, and promoting member reading.           

During the past year we have had a variety of projects. Locally we became Partners in Education with Huie Elementary School. As a partner we provide school supplies for students at the beginning of school, we donated one pair of ear buds for students to use with computers in the classroom, we donated gently used books to students, we helped with the book fair, provided food for teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day, and provided snacks for teachers at the beginning of school and at Thanksgiving.

  • We supported the organization providing assistance to homeless students in the Clayton County Schools.
  • Donated over ninety gently used large print books members supplied to an assisted living facility and donated over one hundred books to Friends of the Library.
  • To increase the literacy of preschool children and students in a local shelter, we donated books so they will have their own library.
  • On the state and national level we volunteered to judge the annual Southeast Regional Home Schooled Student Speech and Debate competition held in Clayton County.
  • On the international level we investigated and then donated funds to Rescue.org, an organization that provides schooling for girls in over forty countries.

Below are photos from MCWC Education & Libraries CSP outreach at Huie Elementary School.

+ Environment

The Environment Community Service Program is designed for members to gain an appreciation for our environment. Members are encouraged to increase awareness of conservation issues, work to preserve, maintain and restore our natural resources, preserve habitats for plants and animals, and participate in endeavors to beautify and sustain the world around us.                 

  • Members of the MCWC have worked to remove non-native invasive species, plant native flowers for pollinators, and provide soil erosion control at Stately Oaks, in Jonesboro.
  • Members are encouraged to recycle items through their county and to replace disposable items in their homes with reusable items, such as canvas tote bags for shopping and cloth towels for use in the kitchen instead of paper towels.
  • Conservation also partnered with Arts CSP this year to deliver a collaborative educational and creative program to children and adults at Haven House during which participants made terrariums with live plants out of recycled materials and also created seed bombs with wildflower seeds.

Below are photos from our Environment CSP project at Stately Oaks.

+ Health & Wellness

The Health & Wellness Community Service Program encourages all club members to have a healthy mind, body, and soul, and to strive to help others in need. We do service projects with the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and women’s health issues. We also participate in community service projects with Habitat for Humanity, Good Shepherd Clinic, Salvation Army, and the Calvary Refuge Center by collecting items, donating money or giving of our time. When working with these organizations, we are hoping to bring some stability towards the families in need.     

Annually, we give financial support to the Calvary Refuge Center, our local homeless shelter and we also prepare a meal for their residents. Each year, the home life committee organizes a shopping trip and coordinates with club members to collect monetary donations and gifts for the Salvation Army Forgotten Angels. These are families that need assistance during the holiday season.

All through the year we assist and support the Good Shepherd Clinic in many ways. GSC is a free medical  clinic in Clayton county community for its residents that do not have healthcare. We have club members that volunteer on a weekly bases at the clinic. We collect calendars for the clients to assist them in managing their medical appointments and needs. The GSC has two big fundraisers each year. We participate in both events. We sponsor and decorate a table for the Pillar’s luncheon and have club members attend the event. We also participate in the Tomato Sandwich Party by donating deviled eggs and cookies. We encourage all club members to attend this event.

Below are photos from various Health & Wellness CSP projects.

+ Domestic Violence

The goal of the Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Special Project is to increase awareness of and help prevent the widespread occurrence of domestic abuse. Morrow Civic Woman’s Club supports local established programs and the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence by providing educational opportunities for club members and local citizens and supporting their efforts with monetary and in kind donations. Morrow Civic Woman’s Club is a powerful voice for those who have no voice.     

The Morrow Civic Woman’s Club members speak with one voice:

  • To develop and influence federal and state legislation that positively affects the lives of domestic violence survivors and their families.
  • To protect the safety, security, and dignity of all citizens.
  • To promote projects that support and cultivate work with national, state and local domestic violence and abuse organizations.

Throughout the past year, contributions were made to the Haven House, Securus House, and Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Each month members donate wish list items for Haven House and Securus House. Members serve Haven House by leadership on the Board of Directors (president) and participating in the 5K and Casino Night fundraisers. As part of the education emphasis, and in partnership with St. Philip Benizi Church in Jonesboro, backpacks filled with school supplies were provided to child witnesses of family violence.

Below are photos from our Domestic Violence (CSP) activities.

+ Women's History Resource Center


The Women’s History Resource Center is an ongoing project of the GFWC GA Morrow Civic Woman’s Club. The purpose is to collect, preserve, and maintain historical records, which then become accessible to the public.

Our organization was chartered in 1962. In the beginning, we were known as the Morrow Junior Woman’s Club and over time we became the Morrow Civic Woman’s Club. During the span of nearly 60 years, our organization has accumulated countless documents. To leave a legacy and preserve memories, our members unanimously voted in 2017 to deed our club records to the Clayton State University’s (CSU) Archives. Dr. Gordon Baker, the Dean of Libraries, and Rosemary Fischer, the University Archivist, accepted our documents as their first outside public collection.       

The current archivist, Feechi Hall, taught club members how to preserve the documents, beginning with our annual scrapbooks. Eventually, each year’s record will be posted to the CSU website for all to access and learn about our organization’s outreach and impact in the local community, state, and world communities.

View our scrapbooks by clicking the link:

MJWC May 1962-1963

MJWC 1963-1964

MJWC June 1964-1965

MJWC 1966-1967

MJWC 1967-1968

MJWC 1968-1969

MJWC 1969-1970

MJWC 1971

MJWC 1972

MJWC 1973-1974

MJWC 1976-1977

MJWC 1977-1978

MJWC 1979-1980

MJWC 1980

MJWC 1981

MJWC 1982-1984

MJWC 1984

MJWC 1985-1986

1987-1988 Alternate MJWC

1989-1990 MJWC Alternate

MJWC 1990-1991




A Look at GFWC GA MCWC in 2020

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