The Andrea Kay Lane Scholarship 2024

Morrow Civic Woman’s Club is very proud of a scholarship that we have been presenting for over 40 years. Each year a $1,000 scholarship is given to women, age 25 or older. These women must be returning or beginning their college education at Clayton State University. This scholarship was renamed in memory of a former club president:  The Andrea Kay Lane Scholarship.


  • Student must be accepted at Clayton State University.
  • Student must be a female 25 years or older who is returning to school.
  • Application and narrative must be received by May 1, 2025.

-click to open application-

The Andrea Lane Scholarship Recipient 2024

Congratulations to Jenelle Charlton-Brooms!  She is the recipient for The Andrea Lane Scholarship for 2024.

The Andrea Lane Scholarship Recipient 2023

Congratulations to Mei-Li Ling!  She is the recipient for The Andrea Lane Scholarship for 2023.

The Andrea Lane Scholarship Recipient 2022

Congratulations to Chisom Orizu! She is the recipient for The Andrea Lane Scholarship for 2022.

The Andrea Lane Scholarship Recipient 2021

Congratulations to Tammar Green! She is the recipient for The Andrea Lane Scholarship for 2021.

The Andrea Lane Scholarship Recipients 2020

Ronshanda Chaney and Kersten Toebben are the awardees for The Andrea Lane Scholarship for 2020. Congratulations to both!

Clayton News Daily | December 13, 2016

MORROW — The Morrow Civic Woman’s Club is giving back to the community and to those who want to return to college.The club recently awarded two scholarships to two women interested in returning to college. Debra Kato and Tabitha Thornton were awarded $1,000 scholarships to Clayton State University courtesy of the club’s Andrea Lane Memorial Scholarship.
It is a scholarship that the club has been awarding for over 20 years, said its co-presidents, Lois Wolfe and Denise McCulley. It’s also one of several facets of community service the club works with. “We desire to improve the community,” McCulley said. Members of the club perform community service in one of six categories: the arts, conservation, education, home life, international outreach and public issues.

For instance, in the realm of international outreach, the club recently donated shoeboxes with toys that children abroad may find enjoyable. A common gift donated was a soccer ball with a pump to keep it inflated. Another example of outreach was the group’s donation to Operation Smile, a nonprofit that provides reconstructive facial surgery for children who suffer from a cleft palate.

McCulley said children will sometimes come in for the palate surgery wearing their absolute best clothes, since they may not have much else to wear. The club makes and donates hospital gowns out of different materials for children to wear during their stay to help their morale.

The club’s major fundraiser is their fashion show. The group held its 18th annual show April 30. Members of the club sell advertisements for the program, while club members, as well as scholarship recipients, model clothes provided by Belk of McDonough.

The Morrow Civic Woman’s Club meets on the first Thursday of each month except in July at the First Baptist Church of Morrow at 6:30 p.m. The club is looking for women who are registered voters to join them for club meetings.